Planning on installing an outdoor fire pit on Labor Day? Want to revamp your landscaping when the weather cools down on Columbus Day? Keep in mind that after filing a locate request with North Dakota One Call (NDOC), you must wait 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays, before you begin digging. The day you call DOES NOT count towards the standard 48-hour notice. Plan ahead when digging over a holiday, since you will need to wait additional time for your underground utilities to get marked. When a holiday listed occurs on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is not considered a business day. When a holiday listed occurs on a Sunday, the following Monday is not considered a business day. See the graphic below for the list of holidays that NDOC observes.

For example, Labor Day will fall on a Monday, so if you place your locate request on the Friday prior to this holiday, your standard 48-hour waiting period will start the following business day, Tuesday the 4th, at 12:01 AM. Thus, the Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday will not count towards the 48-hour notice. Tuesday and Wednesday will be the actual waiting period for the locate request, so digging can commence on Thursday at 12:01 AM. If you plan to dig over this holiday, make sure to “click or call” at the very latest on the prior Wednesday, so that you can officially start digging on Saturday. See below for a visual example of the waiting period timeline.