Thinking of projects such as installing a fire pit for the cold months or a new fence to keep out pesky animals in time for spring? Before you begin your work, remember to contact North Dakota One Call (NDOC) 48 hours in advance, excluding weekends and holidays, to get underground facilities marked in the proposed digging area.
Contacting NDOC is as simple as making a phone call or filing an online notification ticket with our ITIC Lite tool. We understand that life gets busy, so we have streamlined the process for you! ITIC Lite is a simplified ticketing system that allows homeowners or occasional excavators to quickly and efficiently file a notification ticket. NDOC provides this free and easy-to-use service to help you dig safely.
Follow these simple steps to get utilities marked before digging:
1. Help locators see exactly where your work will take place by identifying the dig site with white flags or paint. You may be wondering, “How do I white line when it snows?” An excavator can use colored paint, flags, or stakes in different colors not specified in the APWA Color Code as an alternative to pre-marking with white. Remember to indicate the use of alternate colored markings on your locate request. Uploading an image, text, or shape (.shp) file when submitting an online ticket via ITIC is a digital method to identify the boundaries of the proposed work site.
2. Go to the ITIC Lite tool here.
3. Make sure you meet the requirements listed at the top of the page.
4. Enter a valid email address.
5. NDOC will send you a verification email with a link to complete the process.
6. Once you click on the link, you will be directed to a locate request form that you will complete with your project details.
Information you will need:
- First and last name
- Alternate contact name
- Phone number and alternate contact phone number
- County
- City
- Zip code
- Within city limits?
- House number
- Street name
- An intersecting street near the excavation site. If the work is outside the city limits, you should provide the direction (N, S, E, or W) and distance (in feet or miles) to the site from the nearest named and posted intersection.
- Description of where the work will take place on the property and driving directions from a major intersection
- Type of work to be done (landscaping, gardening, planting a tree, etc.)
- Max depth of the excavation in feet
- White lining details

7. Your ticket will then be sent to the call center for review. We may attempt to contact you if we need more information to process your ticket. Please call us as soon as practical should you receive a request.
8. NDOC will send you a confirmation email with your ticket number and the list of utility companies to be notified.
9. Keep this email for your records. Check the status of your ticket here to make sure all of the utilities have responded before you dig.
10. Once your excavation area has been marked, hand dig at least two feet (the tolerance zone) on both sides of the marked utility.
11. North Dakota law requires that operators register lines buried in the public right-of-way with NDOC, so privately owned lines will not be marked. Hot tubs, invisible dog fences, and sprinkler systems are some examples of private lines. You or the utility owner may have to contact a private locator to have these lines marked.
12. Happy safe digging!
Thanks for contacting NDOC to help you dig safely. Feel free to contact us with any questions, suggestions, and input. Our help desk phone number is (563) 884-7762.