Tutorial Videos
Here you can find various manuals and materials to help you with all aspects of filing locate requests through ITIC and database administration through IMAP.
Provides a complete walkthrough on processing a locate request.
ITICnxt Advanced Search
Explains how to access and use the Advanced Search location tool.
ITICnxt Drawing Tools
Explains the available drawing tools and how to choose the right one for the job.
ITICnxt Filtering Ticket List
Shows you how to organize and filter your ticket list.
ITICnxt Job Profiles
Explains how to create and use Job Profile to auto-fill information on multiple locate requests.
ITICnxt Splitting Jobs
Provides an explanation on how to group and organize locate requests with the Jobs feature.
ITICnxt Business Rules
Explains how business rules affect your ITICnxt experience.
ITICnxt Map Tools
Provides a tutorial on map controls, map viewing and other map tools.
ITICnxt Updates & Re-Spots
Provides a brief explanation on reprocessing your locate requests with ITICnxt.