Contact Ryan Schmaltz at [email protected] to request access to the interactive training or to schedule a webinar or in-person training.
Author: user
For all North Dakota One Call Members:
The Board of Directors is enhancing the positive response system. Status code 3 (Not Complete/in Progress – Locator Spoke to Excavator made arrangements) starting on March 2nd, 2020 will require the completion of 5 additional questions before submitting this status code. Click the “Read More” button for more information on these changes and programming requirements.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Observed Holidays
ND One Call Center has adopted a “Holiday Substitution Policy” so that excavators and operators are better aware, in advance, of what days ND One Call Center will observe all holidays. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, ND One Call Center will observe the Friday before as the holiday; if it falls on a Sunday, ND One Call Center will observe the Monday after as the holiday.
ND One Call Center is open 24 hours, seven days a week. North Dakota recognizes the following holidays:
New Year’s Day | Martin Luther King, Jr’s Birthday | Presidents Day | Good Friday | Memorial Day | Independence Day | Labor Day | Columbus Day | Veterans Day | Thanksgiving | Christmas
Call Us At:
800-795-0555 or 811
You can also file your locate requests 24/7 using our ITIC system by clicking the appropriate link on the home page!
2019 Northern Midwest UG Meeting: A Recap

North Dakota One Call (NDOC) was pleased to attend the Northern Midwest Users’ Group Meeting (NMUG) in Bloomington, MN on January 24-25, 2019. One Call Concepts, Inc. (OCC) hosted the event, which was customized for three notification centers- NDOC, Gopher State One Call (GSOC), and Iowa One Call (IOC). The NMUG brings together notification center staff and facility operators from states with similar geographies, seasons, shared contractors, and initiatives and provides them with a forum to network with their peers, while learning about the OCC products and services available to them.
The meeting was held over two days at the Bloomington Sheraton Hotel before the upcoming busy digging season. The content of the scheduled presentations, combined with the insights shared during the open roundtable discussions, provided attendees a regional view of damage prevention strategies and suggested opportunities for new partnerships with other industry peers. Participants shared their successes, challenges, and new ideas about improving damage prevention.
Throughout the day and a half of the meeting, presenters led discussions on a variety of topics, including:

OCC Catalog of Products/Services
- Mobile One Call App
- Augmented Reality
- ForeSite
- Legislative Enforcement
- Public Relations and Damage Prevention Outreach/Education
- User Experience/User Interface (UX/UI) Redesign
- NULCA- National Utility Locating Contractors Association Update
- Wrap-Up Roundtable Discussions
At the networking event on the evening of January 24, the Peterson Farm Brothers gave an educational presentation about farming/ the 811 message and performed some of their popular parodies such as “I’m Farming and I Grow It” and “Chore”, as well as their original 811 song “Call Before Ya Dig”. They did a fantastic job!

To learn more about the Peterson Farm Brothers, click here.
In a post-event survey, meeting attendees rated the venue, session content, and other factors. Overall, survey participants had positive feedback and noted that they would recommend attending this event to a colleague/co-worker. It’s easy to see that the Northern Midwest Users’ Group gives everyone who attends a forum to connect and collaborate on the mutual goal of damage prevention!