
For all North Dakota One Call Members:

The Board of Directors is enhancing the positive response system. Status code 3 (Not Complete/in Progress – Locator Spoke to Excavator made arrangements) starting on March 2nd, 2020 will require the completion of 5 additional questions before submitting this status code. Click the “Read More” button for more information on these changes and programming requirements.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

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Observed Holidays

ND One Call Center has adopted a “Holiday Substitution Policy” so that excavators and operators are better aware, in advance, of what days ND One Call Center will observe all holidays. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, ND One Call Center will observe the Friday before as the holiday; if it falls on a Sunday, ND One Call Center will observe the Monday after as the holiday.

ND One Call Center is open 24 hours, seven days a week. North Dakota recognizes the following holidays:

New Year’s Day | Martin Luther King, Jr’s Birthday | Presidents Day | Good Friday | Memorial Day | Independence Day | Labor Day | Columbus Day | Veterans Day | Thanksgiving | Christmas

Call Us At:

800-795-0555 or 811

You can also file your locate requests 24/7 using our ITIC system by clicking the appropriate link on the home page!